# Edit with multibyte (utf8) editor for special characters
# Words starting with # are only comments and should not be translated. Words in the first Column (in gray) should also not be translated, only the ones in column B. Only column C should be changed by the translator and no cells should be inserted or moved.
#Please ignore the :: ; and \
# dialogs
dialogTutSH1 = \
Elaine:mimicSmile1:Hi, I'm %ELAINE%. IΓÇÖve read your ad for a flatmate. Have I come to the right place?:;\
Mike:mimicSmile2:Yeah. Definitely! Nice to meet you. I'm %Mike%. Just moved in yesterday myself. Sorry about the state of the place.:;\
Elaine:mimicEyeClose:No problem. Can't make an omelette without breaking eggs as they say.:;\
Mike:mimicWonder1:So you're interested in the flat? Well, I'm in luck. I definitely couldn't afford the flat on my own.:;\
Elaine:mimicNeutral1:Well I'm in luck too ΓÇô as you don't seem to have found your flatmate yet.:;\
Mike:mimicFlirt1:Come on, IΓÇÖll show you around.:;
dialogTutSH2 = \
Nobody::<<Follow %MIKE% into the living room. In order to move %ELAINE%, first click on this text window, then on an empty place on the ground.>>:;
dialogTutSH3 = dialogTutSH3 = \
Elaine:mimicSmile1:Wow! So much space! I think I could feel at home here.:;\
Mike:mimicNeutral1:Yeah, there's plenty of room. But there's loads to do. As soon as I earn some money, I'll do up all the rooms and get some new furniture.:;
dialogTutSH4 = \
Mike:mimicFlirt1:And there's an incredible view from here. Come over here ΓÇô you can see all the way to the city centre.:;
dialogTutSH5 = \
Nobody::<<To change the view, press the middle mouse button or the mouse wheel and hold it while moving the mouse.:;\
Nobody::<<If you donΓÇÖt have a wheel or middle mouse button, you can also use the arrow keys or the Pg Up and Down keys on your keyboard.>>:;\
Nobody::<<You can move the view of the flat by pressing the right mouse button. Turn the mouse wheel to zoom into the screen.>>:;\
dialogTutSH55 = \
Nobody::<<Now hold the mouse wheel down and rotate the flat until you can see %MIKE%. Go to [MIKE?him:her].>>:;
dialogTutSH6 = \
Mike:mimicSad1:I'm afraid I could only bring a few bits of furniture from my old flat. At least we've got the basics though.:;\
Mike:mimicNeutral1:And there's still a lot in the boxes. I'll unpack them as soon as I have some time.:;
dialogTutSH7 = \
Mike:mimicNeutral1:Take your time and have a good look around. If you like it and want to move in, just come over and join me. We can discuss all the details.:;
#idee: wenn Elaine den herd explodieren lässt, ruft sie "mike!" und mike kommt angerannt (nee, gefällt mir nicht - er sitzt ja eh direkt nebenan - Joe)
dialogTutSH8 = \
Elaine:mimicSmile3:It's great! IΓÇÖd love to move in.:;\
Mike:mimicSmile1:Excellent! Luckily, it's the weekend, so weΓÇÖve got a bit of time. If you like we can start unpacking the boxes in the hall today or tomorrow. I'm starting a new job on Monday.:;\
Elaine:mimicWonder1:Yes, me too. What do I need to do to start unpacking the boxes?:;\
Mike:mimicNeutral1:Just click on them and look at whatΓÇÖs in them.:;
dialogTutEpilog1 = \
Mike:mimicWonder1:So - do you like the flat? When you're ready to decide, come and sit next to me.;:\
Nobody::<<To sit down, click on the free chair and select "Sit down">>:;
dialogTutKitchen1 = \
Elaine:mimicSad1:Oh dear, there really is a lot of work to do here. That cooker looks like an antique. Does it still work?:;\
Nobody::<<Old furniture and devices can become defective over time. Check whether the cooker still works. To do this, click on it to switch it on, then click on the "Switch on" button.>>:;
dialogTutKitchen2 = \
Elaine:mimicBored1:Ooops, that was curtains for the cooker!:;\
Mike:mimicFlirt1:DonΓÇÖt worry. It pulls that trick all the time.:;
dialogTutWashMe1 = \
Elaine:mimicWonder1:Yuk. The bathroom's first on the list for redecoration! I don't want to end up dirtier after a wash than I was before.:;\
Nobody::<<Hygiene is an important issue when you're sharing a flat.>>;\
Nobody::<<Wash %ELAINE%'s hands in the basin (click on the basin, then on the "Wash hands" button) to satisfy [ELAINE?her:his] need for hygiene. This will raise the body indicator value at the bottom.>>:;
dialogTutDressMe1 = \
Elaine:mimicSmile1:I'll make sure that this is going to be my room! Nice and light!:;\
Elaine:mimicWonder1:And I can put my clothes in this chest of drawers.:;\
Nobody::<<You'll find the correct outfit for any occasion in the chest of drawers. Click on it to choose a different outfit.>>:;
dialogTutDressMe2 = \
Elaine:mimicSmile2:Great, that fits like a glove. The right outfit for every occasion!:;
dialogTutMI1 = \
Elaine:mimicSad1:Oh, what a mess! Maybe I should start unpacking a few boxes. I'm sure [MIKE?he:she] will appreciate some help and be glad to benefit from my good taste in interior design.:;\
Nobody::<<The game is in the building mode now. Left-click on the mouse to move unpacked items around the flat. If the piece of furniture appears transparent it can't be placed at that location. Try it out.>>:;
dialogTutMI2 = \
Nobody::<<You can move items even after you've set them down. To do this, left-click on them to move them, and left-click on them once more to put them down again.>>:;\
Nobody::<<To rotate pieces of furniture, hold the left mouse button down. Try it out by lifting the item up with a left click first. Then press the left mouse button again and hold it down.>>:;
dialogTutMI3 = \
Nobody::<<You can leave the building mode at any time by pressing the "Needs" button. This will take you back to the standard mode of the game in order to unpack further boxes.>>:;
dialogTutMI4 = \
Nobody::<<Well done, everything is unpacked now. You can change back into the building mode at any time if you want to purchase more furniture.>>:;
dialogTestMimics = ---
dialogMikeGottaWork = \
Mike:mimicBored1:Monday again. I can't believe it. Ok, I'm off to work then. After all, we need a bit of money to kit out the flat with a bit of style.:;\
Elaine:mimicSmile2:I'll go get the most essential things as soon as I have some time. I've got some money to spare and I'll see to it that we'll soon feel at home here.:;\
Nobody::<<Your singles will be particularly happy in a plush flat. But it's a well-known fact that luxury costs money. And a good job is vital for living the life of a carefree single.>>\
Nobody::<<You can use the building menu to spend your saved pennies on new furniture and décor or even extend and do up the flat.>>:;\
Nobody::<<A games-room, a palm garden on the roof or a pool in the living room - there are no limits to your creativity.>>:;\
Mike:mimicNeutral3:Bye then, I'm off.:;
dialogLindaGottaWork = \
Elaine::Monday again. I can't believe it. OK, I'm off to work then. After all, we need a bit of money to kit out the flat with a bit of style.:;\
Mike::I'll go get the most essential things as soon as I have some time. I've got some money to spare and I'll see to it that we'll soon feel at home here.:;\
Nobody::<<Your singles will be particularly happy in a plush flat. But it's a well-known fact that luxury costs money. And a good job is vital for living the life of a carefree single.>>\
Nobody::<<You can use the building menu to spend your saved pennies on new furniture and décor or even extend and do up the flat.>>:;\
Nobody::<<A games-room, a palm garden on the roof or a pool in the living room - there are no limits to your creativity.>>:;\
Elaine::Bye then, I've got to hurry - I'm late already.:;
# friendship dialogs
dialogFriendship1 = \
Mike:mimicNeutral2:Hey, IΓÇÖm really glad that you moved in! When you move in with a total stranger you never know what you'll get...:;\
Elaine:mimicSmile1:Right, I could have been a real idiot. 8-):;\
Mike:mimicSmile2:Ha, and I could have had really bad breath!:;\
Elaine:mimicSmile3:Or the table manners of a pig!:;\
Mike:mimicSmile4:Or you could have had long greasy hair and buck teeth.:;\
Elaine:angry:Ha ha, very funny, Mister!:;
dialogFriendship2 = \
Elaine:mimicEyeClose:%MIKE%, it's good to know that I can rely on you!:;\
Mike:MimicNeutral2:Well, that's what friends are for, %ELAINE%! Except on Saturdays!:;\
Elaine:mimicNeutral2:Huh, except on Saturdays? Is that your day for a lie in?:;\
Elaine:mimicBored1:Yeah thanks, like a log! And I had a lovely dream too.:;\
Mike:mimicWonder1:Ah - what did you dream about? Us getting the flat in shape?:;\
Elaine:mimicFlirt1:Nah, hee hee, much better. I'll tell you some other time. Do you want to join me for breakfast?:;\
Mike:mimicSmile4:Good idea, let's have some breakfast then.:;
dialogFriendship4 = \
Mike:mimicNeutral2:You know, having you living here with me is so much more fun.:;\
Elaine:mimicWonder1:More fun?:;\
Mike:mimicNeutral2:Oh, definitely! The thought of having to spend my time here all alone again...:;\
Elaine:mimicSad2:You've got a point there - I was dreading moving to the big city without knowing a single soul too.:;\
dialogFriendship5 = \
Elaine:mimicNeutral2:You are really easy to talk to. You don't often find that in [MIKE?men:women], and I really appreciate it!:;\
Mike:mimicFlirt1:Oh, is that so? I've always found myself easy to talk to...:;\
Elaine:mimicSmile3:I was really lucky to have been the first person to read your ad for a flatmate...:;\
Mike:mimicSmile1:Ah, but that's where you're wrong - I was the first person to read it...:;
dialogFriendship6 = \
Nobody::%MIKE% and %ELAINE% have now spent some time with each other. %ELAINE% is thinking to [ELAINE?herself:himself]...;\
Elaine:mimicShy1:I can't imagine what it would be like to live on my own again.;\
Elaine:mimicEyeClose:I've grown really fond of %MIKE%.;\
Elaine:mimicSmile1:Even if it takes [MIKE?him:her] ages in the bathroom in the mornings...;
dialogFriendship7 = \
Mike:mimicWonder1:Hey, you never mentioned how long you were intending to stay.;\
Elaine:mimicFlirt1:Why? Is someone else supposed to be moving in?;\
Mike:mimicSad1:No, no, quite the opposite! I mean it feels really good to have you here. It'd be great if you could stay, well, quite a while...;\
Elaine:mimicSmile3:That would suit me fine too.;\
dialogFriendship8 = \
Elaine::You know what? I'd always thought that real friendship could only exist between women. Or possibly also between men.;\
Elaine:mimicSmile1:Well, it seems I was wrong. It can also exist between [ELAINE?a woman:a man] and [MIKE?a man:a woman].;\
Mike:mimicFlirt1:Course it does! Where else do you think all those couples come from if it didn't?:;\
Elaine:mimicAngry1:Don't be silly! I'm talking about friendship, not sex!:;\
Mike:mimicSmile4:You women are a strange breed...
dialogFriendship9 = \
Nobody::By now, a sound friendship has developed between %MIKE% and %ELAINE%. %MIKE% is thinking to [MIKE?himself:herself]...;\
Mike::I'm so lucky that we've become real friends.;\
Mike::I wonder whether I shouldn't propose to [ELAINE?her:him], for a joke. I'm sure [ELAINE?she:he] will refuse. But it'd be fun to test the water.;\
Mike::Hm... what do I do if [ELAINE?she:he] proposes to me? Should I refuse?;
dialogFriendship10 = \
Elaine:mimicFlirt1:%MIKE%, you are [MIKE?the first man:the first woman] to make me wonder whether marriage might not be such a bad thing after all.:;\
Mike:mimicFlirt1:Just as well that little voice in the back of your head is telling you not to.:;\
Elaine:mimicAngry1:Oh, you [MIKE?bastard:minx], wait till I get my hands on you!:;\
Mike:mimicSmile1:Beam me up, Scotty! Sweet and innocent single in great danger!:;\
Elaine:mimicSmile2:You're doomed, %MIKE%! Don't you know that those transporters never work in an emergency!:;\
dialogRomance1 = \
Elaine:mimicWonder1:Isn't [MIKE?your girlfriend:your boyfriend] jealous about us sharing a flat?;\
Mike:mimicFlirt1:Actually, I'm single.;\
Elaine:mimicSmile2:I see. Out of principle, or due to circumstances?;\
Mike:mimicSad1:Well... um... I, ah...;\
Elaine:mimicSmile3:I see.;
dialogRomance2 = \
Elaine:mimicBored1:Ohh, I'm knackered... I think I'm off to bed.;\
Mike:mimicSmile1:Okay, sleep well.;\
Elaine:mimicEyeClose:Thanks, I will. Oh, and...;\
Elaine:mimicSmile2:I think you're quite nice.;\
Mike:mimicSmile3:Thanks... I shouldn't stay up too late or I'll keep you awake!;
dialogRomance3 = \
Mike:mimicNeutral2:I'm done in... I'll go straight to bed.:;\
Elaine:mimicNeutral2:Night night!:;\
Mike:mimicFlirt1:Hmm... Could you come over for a sec?;\
Elaine:mimicWonder1:... what is it?;\
Mike:mimicFlirt1:Isn't it comfy here?;\
Elaine:mimicSmile2:Yes, I'm... I mean... it was lucky really.;\
Mike:mimicFlirt1:How about, um, well, maybe I'm being a bit forward now...;\
Elaine:mimicSmile1:Go on!;\
Mike:mimicEyeClose:... oh, alright, how about a little kiss?;
dialogRomance4 = \
Elaine:mimicWonder1:Tell me, what did you do before we met?:;\
Mike:mimicSmile1:Well, what do YOU think? I was waiting for you, of course.:;\
Elaine:mimicWonder1:Oh were you now? And you didn't get fed up?:;\
Mike:mimicSmile2:I might have done, but fortunately I had to keep checking whether I'd finally found the right one or not...:;\
Elaine:mimicFlirt1:And, did you ever?:;\
Mike:mimicFlirt1:Course not - you'd remember that, believe me!:;\
Elaine:mimicSmile4:I'm sure I would!:;\
Mike:mimicNeutral1:But this time...:;\
Elaine:mimicWonder1:This time it's different?:;\
Mike:mimicFlirt1: Well the good-night kiss was.:,\
Elaine:mimicSmile:Maybe we could get a little more practice another time?:;\
Mike:mimicFlirt1:Maybe... How about a good-night hug for the time being?:;\
Elaine:mimicFlirt1:I'll think about it... But not before I go to bed.:;\
dialogRomance5 = \
Mike:mimicWonder1:What about I cook us a nice meal at the weekend?:;\
Elaine:mimicWonder1:You can cook? Are you any good?:;\
Mike:mimicSmile1:Course I am!:;\
Elaine:mimicFlirt1:And you'd share it with me?:;\
Mike:mimicFlirt1:Of course I would, that's what I was talking about. I'll do the cooking, and we'll have a fabulous dinner.:;\
Elaine:mimicEyeClose:Hmm, let me see if I've got some candles somewhere. We need candles for an occasion like that...:;
dialogRomance6 = \
Elaine:mimicWonder1:Tell me, are you still single?:;\
Mike:mimicSmile1:Um, yes... I'm sure you'd have noticed if I wasn't...:;\
Elaine:mimicFlirt1:I probably would.:;\
Mike:mimicWonder1:So, what about you?:;\
Mike:mimicWonder1:That's right. Doesn't [ELAINE?your boyfriend:your girlfrind] mind you living here?:;\
Elaine:mimicSmile3:At the moment I haven't got one. But then, things change very quickly sometimes. And that would make [ELAINE?him:her] quite happy I think...:;\
dialogRomance7 = \
Mike:mimicNeutral2:I'm really lucky that it was you who moved in here.:;\
Elaine:mimicWonder1:We were both lucky. I seem to remember saying something like that right at the beginning...:;\
Mike:mimicSmile4:So you did! You must be some sort of a [ELAINE?a clairvoyant:a clairvoyant]!:;\
Elaine:mimicSmile3:Let's say we both had a guardian angel working overtime.:;\
Mike:mimicFlirt1:You know, you might be on to something there. I think it was at a weekend.:;
dialogRomance8 = \
Elaine:mimicEyeClose:%MIKE%, do you have any idea what you are doing to me right now?:;\
Mike:mimicFlirt1:No, but let's find out...:;
dialogRomance9 = \
Mike:mimicWonder:We've been sharing the flat for quite a while now...!:;\
Elaine:mimicSmile2:Oh really, %MIKE% - I had actually noticed, you know.;\
Mike:mimicFlirt1:Hmm, yeah, maybe. But have I ever told you that I love you?:;\
Elaine:mimicWonder1:Are you being serious now? You mean, you love me?;\
Mike:mimicEyeClose:Yes I do, I've been meaning to tell you for ages.;\
Elaine:mimicFlirt1:Well, why don't you tell me again tomorrow. And the day after tomorrow.. And... well... every day, come to think of it.;
dialogRomance9old = \
Mike:mimicWonder:We've been sharing the flat for so long now, and we're still not sharing the bed!:;\
Elaine:mimicSmile2:Very funny, %MIKE%, but I'd have you know that it's not a question of time.:;\
Mike:mimicFlirt1:Hmm, maybe not. But what about doing something about it?:;\
Elaine:mimicWonder1:You want to share a bed with me? You mean, sleep in a double bed?\
Mike:mimicEyeClose:Yeah, wouldn't that be more comfy?:;\
Elaine:mimicNeutral2:Well, I'm sure it could be quite nice, but I just don't know...:;\
Mike:mimicNeutral2:Of course we wouldn't do anything naughty, only lie next to each other.:;\
Elaine:mimicFlirt1:Would we now! Well, we could give it a go.:;
#Elaine::Well, it's about time one of us got a double bed!:;
dialogRomance10 = \
Elaine:mimicWonder1:Tell me, how do you see our future unfolding?:;\
Mike::Well, more or less like now, I'd say. What about you?:;\
Elaine::How about taking it one step further?:;\
Mike:mimicFlirt1:Even further?:;\
Elaine:mimicEyeClose:What if we got married, %MIKE%?:;\
Mike:mimicSad1:Wow, are you serious? Hm, that's a bit sudden. I mean, I've never thought about marriage before...:;\
Mike:mimicSad1:Will you give me some time to get used to the idea?:;\
Elaine:mimicFlirt1:Of course.:;
dialogErotic1 = \
Mike:mimicFlirt1:You're so beautiful, I'm sure you have [ELAINE?men:women] wrapped around your little finger.\
Elaine:mimicSad1:Well, seems there's more to it than just looks.;\
Mike:mimicSad2:It seems there is, for me... But for you?:\
Elaine:mimicEyeClose:I'm not giving up hope yet.;\
Mike:mimicSmile4:Welcome to the club.;\
dialogErotic2 = \
Mike:mimicBored1:Wow, have I been busy today... I think I'll hit the sack.;\
Elaine:mimicSmile1:Yes, get some rest.;\
Mike:mimicFlirt1:Thanks, but I'm not sure I'll be able to.;\
Elaine:mimicSad1:Why is that? Are you ill?\
Mike:mimicFlirt1:No, but somehow I always see your face just when I'm about to fall asleep. Believe me, that doesn't make sleep come more easily...;\
Elaine:mimicSmile2:Well, you ARE naughty!;
dialogErotic3 = \
Mike:mimicSad1:There's something I've got to tell you... It's kind of embarrassing, though.;\
Elaine:mimicSmile2:I won't tell, I promise.;\
Mike:mimicSad2:I'm totally inexperienced.;\
Elaine:mimicWonder1:What are you talking about?;\
Mike:mimicSad1:Well... you know... [ELAINE?women:men].;\
Elaine:mimicSmile1:Don't worry about that. Everybody's got to start somewhere. Come here!;\
Mike:mimicWonder1:What is... oh...;\
Elaine:mimic4:Here, let me kiss you.;
dialogErotic4 = \
Elaine:mimicBored1:Boy, am I knackered... And I have to get up really early tomorrow.;\
Mike:mimicSmile2:In that case, you'd better turn in straight away, and have sweat dreams.;\
Elaine:mimicSmile1:Thanks, I will. But...;\
Elaine:mimicFlirt1:I'd probably sleep better if you kissed me good-night.;\
Mike:mimicSmile4:My pleasure!;\
dialogErotic5 = \
Mike:mimicFlirt1:I love your dreamy, twinkling lips and your luscious red eyes...:;\
Elaine:mimicSad2:Whoah, %MIKE%, I think you're mixing something up there!:;\
Mike:mimicFlirt1:... your hair is so thin and delicate, and your body is so thick and full...:;\
Elaine:mimicSad2:I'm afraid we'll have to work on your pick-up lines a bit before you'll be able to get me into your bed!:;\
Mike:mimicFlirt1:What a good job that they sell double beds!:;\
Elaine:mimicSad1:Uuugh - where did you dig up those awful chat up lines?:;\
dialogErotic6 = \
Elaine:mimicFlirt1:%MIKE%, could you be a darling and take out the rubbish, please?:;\
Mike:mimicAngry1:Why do I always have to take out the rubbish.:;\
Elaine:mimicSad2:Oh, pur-lease! I've just painted my nails.:;\
Mike:mimicSmile2:Oh, all right then. But in return you'll have to do something for me tomorrow.:;\
Elaine:mimicWonder1:And that would be...?:;\
Mike:mimicFlirt1:Vacuum the floors - in the nude!:;\
Elaine:mimicShy1:What?? In the nude? What would I do that for???:;\
Mike:mimicSmile4:Because I think I'd enjoy it?:;\
Elaine:mimicSmile2:I bet you would, actually... Hmm... And you'd do all the washing-up and stuff today? Well, I suppose I have no choice, then...:;
dialogErotic6ItsMyTurn = \
Elaine:mimicFlirt1:OK, I suppose it's time for me to fulfil my part of the deal.;\
Mike:mimicSmile2:I can hardly wait!;\
Elaine:mimicSmile3:Well, if I can find something to vacuum and am not too tired, I'll get to work. Just make sure you don't miss it.;
dialogErotic6LetsDoIt = \
Elaine:mimicFlirt1:Alright, I'm going to keep my part of the deal.;\
Mike:mimicSmile2:I'll believe it when I see it.;
dialogErotic6Ending = \
Mike:mimicFlirt1:Mhhh, I never thought you'd really do it.;\
Elaine:mimicSmile2:Well, I'm full of surprises, aren't I!;\
Mike:mimicSmile4:You've earned yourself a treat for that...;
dialogErotic7 = \
Mike:mimicSad1:Shall I tell you something?:;\
Elaine:mimicSmile2:By all means, I love being told things.:;\
Mike:mimicSmile3:I really did enjoy you cleaning in the nude...:;\
Elaine:mimicFlirt1:Hmmm... Tell you what...:;\
Elaine:mimicFlirt1:I think one of us should have a look in the furniture catalogue. It's about time we got ourselves that double bed!
dialogErotic7DoubleBed = \
Mike:mimicSad1:Shall I tell you something?:;\
Elaine:mimicSmile2:By all means, I love being told things.:;\
Mike:mimicSmile3:I really did enjoy you cleaning in the nude...:;\
Elaine:mimicFlirt1:Hmmm... Tell you what...:;\
Elaine:mimicFlirt1:I think we should give this double bed a go - right now...;
dialogErotic8 = \
Elaine:mimicFlirt1:%MIKE%, how on earth do you do it? You send a shiver down my spine every time I look at you...:;\
Mike:mimicFlirt1:That's because I'm electrically charged up to the very tips of my fingers. A present from Q.:;\
Elaine:mimicSmile3:Oooh - don't tell me you're deluding yourself that you're [MIKE?Mr.:Ms.] Bond [MIKE?himself:herself]?:;\
Mike:mimicEyeClose:007? Of course not. Have you never wondered why nobody ever mentions 006?:;\
Elaine:mimicWonder1:Oh, double-oh sex? [MIKE?He:She] He doesn't happen to live in this city undercover, does [MIKE?he:she]?:;\
Mike:mimicSmile3:Yup, [MIKE?he:she] does!:;\
Elaine:mimicSmile4:Well, that would explain a few things...:;
dialogErotic9 = \
Elaine:mimicSmile2:You know the kind of thing I really love to do here?:;\
Mike:mimicWonder1:No idea, give me a clue.:;\
Elaine:mimicSmile3:Alright...follow me...:;
dialogErotic10 = \
Elaine:mimicWonder1:%MIKE%, has it ever occurred to you that you and I make a great couple?:;\
Mike:mimicSmile4:It has, actually!:;\
Elaine:mimicAngry1:[MIKE?Men:Women]! Do I really have to spell it out for you?:;\
Mike:mimicShy1:What the...?:;\
Elaine:mimicSmile3:Okay, listen. What does every good and innocent [ELAINE?girl:boy] dream of?:;\
Mike:mimicWonder1:Ohh, you're talking about marriage. Why didn't you say so from the start? But what has that got to do with good and innocent [ELAINE?girls:boys]?:;\
Elaine:mimicAngry1:Oh you -! Just you wait! You'll pay for this!.,\
Mike:mimicSmile3:You mean, until I finally agree?:;\
Elaine:mimicSmile4:That's right, and this is an offer you can't refuse...:;
dialogMarriage = \
Elaine:mimicFlirt1:Hey, remember what we talked about before? About you and me and what we are going to do?\
Mike:mimicBored1:Going to do? You mean, about my alloy wheels?\
Elaine:mimicAngry1:No, silly, I'm talking about our relationship.;\
Elaine:mimicSmile1:Have you ever seriously thought about marriage?;\
Mike:mimicFlirt1:You mean real marriage vows? As in... *talking in a disguised voice*;\
Nobody::We are gathered here today to join this couple in matrimony.;\
Elaine:mimicSmile2:Hee, hee, %MIKE%, you're so funny.;\
Nobody::So let me ask you...%ELAINE%, will you accept %MIKE% as your lawful wedded [MIKE?husband:wife] and love and respect [MIKE?him:her] till death do you part?;\
Elaine:mimicSmile1:Ah, my cue, this is where I go, "I will!";\
Nobody::And %MIKE%, will you accept %ELAINE% as your lawful wedded [%ELAINE?wife:husband] and love and respect [ELAINE?her:him] till Death do you part?;\
Mike:mimicSmile2:Right, and the answer here would be, "I will!";\
Mike:mimicFlirt1:And, not to forget...;\
Nobody::So, by virtue of my office, I declare you husband and wife. %MIKE%, you may now kiss the bride.;
dialogMarriage2 = \
Elaine:mimicEyeClose:%MIKE%, this is so romantic - you can be so cute sometimes... I wonder if you'll ever ask me properly.;
dialogHoneymoonInParadise = \
Mike:mimicSmile1:%Elaine%, you won't believe it, but we've won our honeymoon.;\
Elaine:mimicBored1:Hold on a sec - what was that? We've done what?;\
Mike:mimicSmile1:Our very own beach bungalow in the Caribbean - provided we get married first!;\
Elaine:mimicFlirt1:This isn't one of your tricks now, is it?;\
Mike:mimicSmile1:No, seriously, I took part in a competition just for fun, even before we had met.;\
Elaine::I just can't believe it.;\
Mike:mimicFlirt1:So all we have to do is get married and pack our suitcases - there's a plane every Friday.;\
Elaine:mimicEyeClose:Hey, not so fast, OK? You wouldn't even pluck up courage to propose to me...;
dialogElainePleaseMarryMe = \
Mike:mimicSad1:%ELAINE%, there's something I've got to confess to you. You're the only [ELAINE?woman:man] I can imagine spending the rest of my life with. So will you marry me, please?;\
Elaine:mimicEyeClose:Oh, that's so cute. I hardly know what to say. Are you serious, %MIKE%?;\
Mike:mimicWonder1:Yes, I want to marry you.;\
Elaine:mimicSad1:You've become so much a part of my life that I can't picture it without you anymore.;
dialogElaineMarryMeWithoutRomance = \
Elaine:mimicSad1:But to be honest, to me there's something missing in our relationship, and that's the grand romance to sweep me off my feet.;
dialogElaineMarryMeWithoutFriendship = \
Elaine:mimicSad1:But to be honest, to me there's something missing in our relationship, and that's a deep, intimate friendship.;
dialogElaineMarryMeWithoutErotic = \
Elaine:mimicSad1:But to be honest, to me there's something missing in our relationship, and that's sizzling sensuality.;
dialogElaineMarryMeWithoutRomanceFriendship = \
Elaine:mimicSad1:But to be honest, to me there's something missing in our relationship, and that's the grand romance to sweep me off my feet, and a deep, intimate friendship.;
dialogElaineMarryMeWithoutFriendshipErotic = \
Elaine:mimicSad1:But to be honest, to me there's something missing in our relationship, and that's a deep, intimate friendship, but also sizzling sensuality.;
dialogElaineMarryMeWithoutEroticRomance = \
Elaine:mimicSad1:But to be honest, to me there's something missing in our relationship, and that's sizzling sensuality and the grand romance to sweep me off my feet.;
dialogElaineMarryMeNow = \
Elaine:mimicSmile1:Yes, let's get married.;\
Mike:mimicFlirt1:And then off onto our honeymoon!;\
Elaine:mimicSmile2:Oh %MIKE%, you're hopeless!;\
Nobody::A happy couple. Use the staircase to start your well-deserved holiday. Have fun!;
dialogTrouble1a = \
Elaine:mimicAngry1:You know, I have a feeling that I'm doing more than my fair share of the housework!:;\
Mike:mimicWonder1:You reckon?:;\
Elaine:mimicAngry1:Well, it does seem to be an awful lot.:;\
Mike:mimicSmile1:But then, I'll repair the bath if it ever explodes!:;\
Nobody::Your singles will start fighting if the household chores or repair jobs are unevenly distributed. The arguments serve to vent their anger, and they'll feel better afterwards. But too much irritation will ultimately lead to serious trouble.;
dialogTrouble3a = \
Elaine:mimicAngry1:%MIKE%, this is just not fair. I do all the cleaning.:;\
Mike:mimicWonder1:%ELAINE%, look. The way I see it, you're always cleaning something, whether it's necessary or not. Why don't you leave things until it's time to do something about them!:;\
Elaine:mimicAngry1:But I hate to wait for the filth to start growing legs!:;\
Mike:mimicSigh1:It won't get a chance to grow legs. But alright, I'll help you.:;
dialogTrouble5a = \
Elaine:mimicAngry1:You should really contribute some more to the household chores, you know!:;\
Mike:mimicSigh1:I thought we'd discussed that already. Just chill out, will you. Things don't have to be immaculate all the time!:;\
Elaine:mimicAngry1:If you want to live in a pigsty, that's up to you - just keep it to your room, will you!:;\
Mike:mimicNeutral1:Yeah, yeah, alright, okay...:;
dialogTrouble8a = \
Elaine:mimicAngry1:%MIKE%, we have to talk. I really mean it!:;\
Mike:mimicSigh1:That same old story again? [MIKE?Filthy pig:Trollop] that I am, I never do my share of household chores?:;\
Elaine:mimicNeutral1:This isn't about whether you are [MIKE?a filthy pig:a trollop], it's just that things can't go on like this!\
Mike:mimicEyeClose:Okay, okay, I'll work on it. Are you happy now?:;\
Elaine:mimicAngry1:I hope you really mean it this time. This is my last warning, you know. If you let me down one more time, you will have seen the last of me.:;\
dialogTroubleTheEnda = \
Elaine:mimicAngry1:That's it, I've had it with you! I'm not your nanny!:;\
Mike:mimicWonder1:Oh? What is it this time?:;\
Elaine:mimicAngry1:You really want to know? You'll never change, that's what it is! I'll go and look for a new flat now. From now on, this isn't my problem anymore!:;\
Elaine:mimicAngry1:And don't delude yourself that you'll get to keep all our stuff! You keep the furniture, I'll take the money. Adios, [MIKE?Amigo:Amiga]!:;
dialogTrouble1b = \
Mike:mimicWonder1:You know, I have a feeling that I'm doing more than my fair share of the housework!:;\
Elaine:mimicSmile1:Do you? You don't mind, though, do you?:;\
Elaine:mimicFlirt1:Great, thanks! You know, the way we've shared the workload suits me down to the ground!:;\
Nobody::Your singles will start fighting if the household chores or repair jobs are unevenly distributed. The arguments serve to vent their anger, and they'll feel better afterwards. But too much irritation will ultimately lead to serious trouble.;
dialogTrouble3b = \
Mike:mimicAngry1:%ELAINE%, this is just not fair. It's always me who has to do all the cleaning.:;\
Elaine:mimicNeutral1:Look, the way I see it is - there are things that you are much better at than I am. And there are other things that I'm better at. Let's just leave it at that, shall we?:;\
Mike:mimicEyeClose:Oh, alright then. It's just that I don't see a lot of the things you're good at, either...:;\
Elaine:mimicFlirt2:Oh, you're just not paying attention properly, that's all.:;
dialogTrouble5b = \
Mike:mimicAngry1:You should really contribute some more to the housework, you know!:;\
Elaine:mimicNeutral1:I thought we had already discussed this in detail! It's just that you are much better at these things than I am!:;\
Mike:mimicAngry2:This isn't about being better at something, it's about justice!:;\
Elaine:mimicSmile3:Oh, come on, I'm sure you'll be able to think of a much better way for me to make it up to you...:;
dialogTrouble8b = \
Mike:mimicAngry1:%ELAINE%, we have to talk. I really mean it!:;\
Elaine:mimicSmile3:Okay, shoot! Oooh, speaking of which, maybe we can find some nicer way to spend our time...:;\
Mike:mimicAngry1:Oh, stop changing the subject! We really have to do something about the housework!:;\
Elaine:mimicAngry2:You know as well as I do that I have no idea how to handle those vacuum thingies. They simply don't agree with me!:;\
Mike:mimicAngry1:Then it's about time you did something about it, or else I'll be out of here in no time at all!:;
dialogTroubleTheEndb = \
Mike:mimicAngry1:That's it, I've had it with you! I'm not [MIKE?your personal slave:your personal slave]!:;\
Elaine:mimicWonder1:Oooohhh... now there's an idea...:;\
Mike:mimicAngry1:You can shove it up your arse! I'm going to look for a new flat, then you're free to find a new slave!:;\
Elaine:mimicAngry2:Hey, no need to get vulgar now! Think of the good times we've had together!:;\
Mike:mimicAngry1:You think of them, maybe that'll help you do things right next time. And don't think for a minute that you're going to keep all the stuff! You can have the furniture, I'll take the money. See you in another life...:;